Searching your repertoire

The Home, Play, and Public pages all contain a search box that uses the same logic.

By default, every field is searched for your search term. If you enter multiple terms, the search uses AND logic. For example, if you search monk you will see all tunes with monk in any fields (usually composer). If you search monk bud, you will only see “In Walked Bud” (assuming it’s in your repertoire).

Jazz composer names have built-in substitutions using their nicknames or first names, so searching miles will return Miles Davis tunes, bird will return Charlie Parker tunes, etc.

Use a - before a term to exclude it from the search results.

You can also use the format field:term to search a specific field. Currently supported fields are title, composer, key (the key column, a tune’s main key), keys (both the Key and Other Keys columns), form, style, meter, year, and tags. It is most useful for key, keys, meter, and form.

The haven’t played in dropdown lets you filter by how long it’s been since you’ve played a tune. This allows you to easily target tunes at the highest risk of being forgotten.